Contact Us

Whether its a family holiday, honeymoon package, safari or a weekend getaway, get in touch with us and our experts will help make your holiday a success.

Our Contact Details

Nairobi Office

+254 20 360 7000

MON - FRI 0800HRS - 1700HRS GMT+3

SAT 0800HRS - 1400HRS GMT+3

Mombasa Office

+254 722 211 231

+254 20 360 7000

MON - FRI 0800HRS - 1700HRS GMT+3

SAT 0800HRS - 1400HRS GMT+3

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Emergency Call

+254 20 360 7000

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Main Office Address

Nairobi Office

Ola Energy Plaza (formerly Mobil Plaza)

2nd Floor, Muthaiga

P.O BOX 16913,00620

Nairobi, Kenya

Mombasa Office

Krish Plaza

Links Road, Nyali

P.O BOX 855722, 80100

Mombasa, Kenya